

单词 Cold War

Cold War

See also: cold war


WOTD – 17 April 2022


The first use of the pre-existing term cold war as a proper noun is credited to the American journalist Herbert Bayard Swope (1882–1958) in a speech he wrote for Bernard Baruch (1870–1965), an American financier and adviser to President Woodrow Wilson, which was delivered on 16 April 1947.[1]


  • (Received Pronunciation) IPA(key): /ˌkəʊld ˈwɔː/
  • (General American) IPA(key): /ˌkoʊld ˈwɔɹ/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɔː(ɹ)

Proper noun

Cold War

  1. (historical) The period of hostility short of open war between the Soviet Bloc and the Western powers, especially the United States, between 1945 and 1991.
    • 1992 March 30, Nixon, Richard, Richard Nixon on ‘Inside Washington’, Seoul Broadcasting System, Richard Nixon Foundation, archived from the original on 09 October 2017, 13:46 from the start:
      Well Russia at the present time is at a crossroads. It is often said that the Cold War is over and that the West has won it- that's only half true. Because what has happened is that the communists have been defeated, but the ideas of freedom now are on trial. If they don't work, there will be a reversion to, not communism which has failed, but what I call a new despotism which would pose a mortal danger to the rest of the world because it would be infected with the virus of Russian imperialism which of course has been a characteristic of Russian foreign policy for centuries.
    • 2005, Tony Judt, “The Politics of Stability”, in Postwar: A history of Europe since 1945, London: Vintage Books, published 2010, →ISBN:
      The situation in Berlin had its uses for Moscow, of course, as for others–the city had become the primary listening post and spy center of the Cold War; some 70 different agencies were operating there by 1961, and it was in Berlin that Soviet espionage scored some of their greatest successes.



  1. William Safire (1 October 2006), “Language: Islamofascism, anyone?”, in International Herald Tribune, Paris: International Herald Tribune, ISSN 0294-8052, OCLC 643515795, archived from the original on 2022-03-30.

Further reading

  • Cold War on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • cold war (term) on Wikipedia.Wikipedia
  • cold war, n.” under cold, adj.”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, March 2022.
  • cold war, n.”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.


  • Cloward, lowcard




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