

单词 cocomero



Wikispecies it



With ending changed to -o due to analogy, from Latin cucumerem (cucumber).


  • IPA(key): /koˈko.me.ro/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -omero
  • Hyphenation: co‧có‧me‧ro


cocomero m (plural cocomeri, diminutive cocomerìno or cocomerétto, augmentative cocomeróne, pejorative cocomeràccio)

  1. watermelon, specifically:
  2. the plant Citrullus lanatus
  3. (by extension) the fruit of the plant
    • 1972, Carlo A. Corsi, transl., “La barba bianca [The white beard]”, in Compagno di sbronze [Hangover buddy], Milan: Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, translation of Erections, Ejaculations, Exhibitions, and General Tales of Ordinary Madness by Charles Bukowski, published 2005, page 99:
      E Herb apriva un buco nel cocomero e si fotteva il cocomero e poi obbligava Talbot, Talbot il tappo, a mangiarselo.
      And Herb opened a hole in the watermelon and fucked the watermelon and then made Talbot, Talbot the shorty, eat it.
  4. (figurative) a foolish or unreliable man
  5. (regional, northern Italian) cucumber
    • 1495, Pietro de' Crescenzi, “VIII. Delle dilettazioni degli orti, e dell'erbe [8. Of the delights of vegetable gardens and herbs]”, in Trattato di agricoltura - Volume due [Treatise about agriculture - Volume two], Naples: Printed by Felice Mosca, published 1724, Libro ottavo, page 104:
      E ancora creſceranno i cocomeri, o vero cedriuoli, maraviglioſamente, ſe porrai ſotto 'l cocomero, o sotto il cedriuolo, o ſotto la zucca un vaſello d'acqua ſcoperto, due palmi più baſſo.
      Cucumbers will also grow marvelously if you put, two palms below the cucumber, an open jar of water.


  • (plant, fruit): anguria
  • (foolish man): balordo
  • (cucumber): cetriolo
  • cocomeraia
  • cocomeraio
  • cocomerata
  • cocomero asinino


  • omocerco




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