dark picture areas
area: dark picture areas
(俭朴) simple and frugal:
(修剪; 取舍) trim (trees); cut and give form (to books, essays, etc.); line through; delete; cut out:
(修理) repair; fix:
(修理) repair; mend:
(修行圆满之人) real Buddhist
(修辞) art of writing; rhetoric
(修饰文字) touch up a piece of writing; polish a piece of writing
(倒霉) unlucky; be out of luck
(借助于) by means of; on the strength of; on the basis of:
(借口) excuse; pretext
(借口) pretext; excuse; subterfuge; pretension; plea:
(借指凶恶的人) a ferocious person
(借指幼年) childhood
(借指旅途) journey:
(值得喜欢和庆贺的事) happy event
(值得注意或推敲的内容) careful study:
(值得自豪的人或事物) pride:
(假借某种名义) support; prop; backing
(假托的理由) excuse; pretext; cop-out:
(假期里回校参加活动) return to school during the vacation to have homework checked or to take part in school activities
(假藉的名义) pretense; cover; front:
(假装) pretend; feign
(偏于一方面, 发展不均匀) lopsided (development, etc.)
(偏爱)be prone
(偏袒一方) be partial (in mediation)
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