

单词 a babbo morto

a babbo morto



Literally, when the father dies, referencing the necessity to wait for one's father's death to have the inheritance and pay off a debt. Other senses are either unrelated or evolved drastically from the original one.


a babbo morto (originally Tuscany)

  1. after a long period of time, never
    pagare a babbo mortoto delay paying of a debt
  2. in a lazy, unwilling manner
    Che fai lì a babbo morto?
    What are you doing there doing nothing?
  3. without preparation, randomly
    È andato lì a babbo morto, non sapeva niente.
    He went there unprepared, not knowing anything.

See also

  • babbomorto

Further reading

  • Accademia della Crusca (2015), “Origine e significato dell'espressione a babbo morto”, in accademiadellacrusca.it, archived from the original on 2022-08-29




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